Wednesday, November 18

The Beginning

Recently I have been perusing the online world and discovered many blogs written by friends or close acquaintences. A few of these have inspired me to create a new blog, one which solely recorded events from my perspective. This in turn created a space where I will be able to house my thoughts and feelings.

Hopefully, over time, this blog will help me improve my writing skills, grammar, and knowledge of myself. This will, most likely, be one of the hardest things I've ever done; I am a private person and do not share my thoughts or feelings on a regular basis, not even with my wife. I'm sure many who read this blog will lose interest quickly; but really it's for me, not for you.

I apologize for the name and title of the blog, but many of the titles I tried had already been taken. Out of curiosity I went and visited most of these blogs, many never posted on since 2007 or earlier. Nothing particularly of interest I'm sorry to say. However, in the end, I think the current titles captures what I want this blog to be.  Here are some of the other titles I tried:

Through the woods
The life of Todd
Life of Todd
Todd's travels
Todd's world
Life with Todd

These are only the handful I could remember.

For those who are curious as to what may be posted here, I plan on putting anything from a journal entry about my day to a paper I wrote for a class. Please, leave comments--if you have them--about anything that I may write; your input is appreciated.

I hope to post several times a week, if not daily, and would appreciate some nagging if I don't stay on top of it. Thank you to those who decide to join me on my journey through life, whether it be for a day or longer. I hope you enjoy the ride.

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